Love Letters from the Pleasure Quarters


Kuruwa Bunsho


Fujiya Izaemon

Yugiri’s lover. Formerly living a comfortable life as the son of a big merchant, but was disowned for his dissolute lifestyle. He goes into hiding bearing a large amount of debt.


A high-ranking courtesan in Ogiya, a pleasure house in Osaka’s pleasure quarters. She is known for both her beauty and intelligence and promises to marry Izaemon. However, she falls ill after he was disowned and gone missing. In the original story, she had a seven-year-old child with Izaemon.

Yoshidaya Kizaemon

Owner of pleasure house Yoshidaya. He has a kind nature and worries about the young couple.


Wife of Yoshidaya owner.

Awa no Daijin (wealthy man from Awa)

Comes to Osaka from the provinces in hopes of meeting Yugiri. He pretends to be a rich man from the countryside, but his unmannered behavior gives him away.