Two Wankyus


Ninin Wankyu


by Abe Satomi

Two Wankyus

Writer Writer: Unknown Music: Nishikiya Kinzo

May 1774, Edo


A successful Osaka merchant, Wanya Kyubei (known colloquially as Wankyu), goes mad from his love for the courtesan Matsuyama and wanders aimlessly. There was a real Wanya Kyubei who went insane after being imprisoned for debauchery. This piece is full of interesting visual and musical themes as the dreamy mood is mixed with up-tempo dances. It was originally performed as a dance piece within a separate drama in Edo in 1734, and was revised 40 years later at the same theater as an independent piece. The choreography was not well notated, and Onoe Kikunojo I recreated the work in 1951 and danced it with Azuma Tokuho I. Thereafter it was performed to great acclaim by Nakamura Tomijuro V and Nakamura Jakuemon IV, including a performance in France in December 1997 that met with raves from Le Monde and others. This piece can be seen as the essence of Showa Era Kabuki. It is also performed by various schools of Japanese dance with their own choreography.


●main graphic
[from left]Matsuyama(Nakamura Jakuemon)、Wanya Kyubei(Nakamura Tomijuro) September 2000 Kabukiza Theatre


●publication date September 2015